Global Rights is an international human rights and governance capacity-building non-governmental organization. Founded in Washington, D.C., in 1978 with the name International Human Rights Law Group, the organization changed its name to Global Rights: Partners for Justice in 2003 on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. In December 2014 it shut its Washington headquarters and devolved the center of its operations to its country office in Nigeria, from where the organization continues to work with local activists in Africa to promote and protect the rights of marginalized populations.

For nearly 20 years, we have worked to build the capacity of underserved communities in Nigeria and build platforms for participatory governance, working on a wide range of cross-cutting issues including: women’s rights, access to justice, natural resource governance and human rights; and security and human rights. Global Rights works at the intersection of the protection, promotion and fulfillment of human rights through good governance. Mandatorily, women’s rights, access to remedies, and disabilities issues, are focal threads woven through the fabric of all our programmes.

Our programs address governance failures that exacerbate the disenfranchisement and violations of the rights of the poor and marginalized, women, and victims of discrimination. While the need for action is universal, no one model is uniformly applicable and all programs are customized to specific needs and conditions.

Our Vision

Our vision is a just society for all built on the universal principles of human rights and guaranteed by access to justice.

Our Mission

Global Rights challenges injustice and amplifies the voices of grassroots activists to promote, protect, and fulfill human rights. Hand in hand and side by side, we work with individuals and groups to:

  • At the community level, build knowledge, skill and advocacy expertise for those with the greatest vulnerability and need for parity of opportunity for all
  • Gain access to resources and decision making bodies
  • Become participants in democratic life through an on-going continuum of education, skill development and feeling of vested interest to create social change

Our Core Beliefs

Human rights cultures are built by individuals and groups whose rights are threatened, suppressed or do not exist.  They are strengthened by allied organizations such as ours, working collaboratively, creatively and with integrity.

We believe that social change begins at the community level and gains effectiveness through partnership with people who share similar needs, values and expertise. We are guided by a strong commitment to equality and diversity in our work to build social and legal change that is long-term and sustainable.

How we do what we do?


  • Develop the capacity of community-based organizations, the media and the government on human rights issues.
  • Train local communities on their legal and human rights.
  • Monitor and document human rights violations.
  • Facilitate platforms for stakeholder dialogues on human rights and governance issues.
  • Raise mass awareness, utilizing media through documentaries, infomercials, and edutainment.
  • Undertake advocacy and research.

Thematic Focus

The Sustainable Development Goals have created a compelling direction for changemakers to direct their causes and interventions. The implication is to harmonize these goals and align with the thematic direction to fast track the attainment of an equitable world. Global Rights has immersed itself in these emerging realities and is taking the lead to inspire others towards espousing these thematic foci and aggregating silos within the development workspace to harmonize collective efforts. Accordingly, Global Rights’ thematic areas have been aligned with this new development agenda.

Meet the Board

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