Friday, May 8, 2020 | Business & Human Rights, Covid, Equitable Resource Governance
The COVID-19 pandemic and measures put in place by the state government to contain the spread poses lots of challenges to artisanal miners and the host communities. At Ameri Ikwo, Ameka Ezza, and Enyigba, the artisanal miners complain of no sales as a result of the...
Thursday, May 7, 2020 | Covid
The outbreak of the global pandemic (Corona Virus or COVID-19) has brought about a change in world affairs. People are now thinking of humanity and everyone, irrespective of race, culture and religion is collaboratively fighting one common enemy. All countries have...
Thursday, April 30, 2020 | Covid
As an essential service provider, I have had to spend most of my days outdoors than indoors and I have truly come to appreciate the serenity of the environment. The community had initially been unusually quiet and you could count the number of people on the...
Thursday, April 30, 2020 | Covid
I traveled for a brief work, what I never budgeted was Corona Virus shutting down my life and putting family at risk. The lockdown has ensured that I am stranded, strapped, and stuck in relative safety, while my wife and child face daily security threats as robbers...
Thursday, April 30, 2020 | Covid
Since the lockdown began, we have been consistently advised to reach out to our friends and loved ones, check up on them, and make them feel less alone. I never fully understood the import of that until I called to check up on a friend who resides in Lagos, last...
Monday, April 20, 2020 | Covid
Does it mean that we should continue to stay at home and die of hunger in this country when those that are ruling us have access for free of all that they need to survive? I have little money to manage myself but no road to the bank. As a widow, what am I to do?...